
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. I spent last weekend with my college friends and their toddlers.  I have been waiting all week to be slammed by the germs that I know all of them were carrying.  Other than some slight congestion, I seem to be fine.  When do I know if I am out of the woods?  Am I going to wake up on Sunday with a nasty cold?

2. DC finally got snow!  I have been so disappointed by all of the other "storms" this winter than have brought less than a dusting each time.  I just wanted one storm that brought a couple of inches (no need to repeat last winter).  Snow makes me happy. :) 

3. I have been a bit low on motivation this week.  So when I found out yoga was cancelled tonight, today became an unplanned rest day.  I guess I could have gone to the gym and done something else, but I'm already planning to go tomorrow morning and the thought of two gym workouts in less than 12 hours was rather unappealing.